Casey Ryan Richards – Real Estate Market 2021
The USA has no shortage of reassuring qualifiers to define real estate. And the figures are not misleading: according to the latest surveys, more than one in two people was a homeowner in 2018 (58%). Better still, real estate assets represent 61% of the USA heritage. According to Casey Ryan Richards, the idea that real estate is a safe investment mostly refers to conventional rental real estate. But it applies as much to investments, as to the purchase of its principal residence which is an investment in itself.
But why does real estate appeal to the USA so much? Casey Ryan Richards tells you all about the reasons why real estate is considered a safe investment in 2021. If you are a first-time buyer and you hesitate, take the plunge.
Real Estate: The Star Placement of the USA
If the USA were to invest for the simple purpose of maximizing their savings, they would naturally turn to products like financial stocks which have a higher return over the long term when dividends are constantly reinvested.
However, a 2019 Ifop poll shows that real estate appears to be the safest value in the market for 67% of those questioned, thus confirming its role as a safe-haven investment. Note, however, that personal real estate investment (over 50%) is popular ahead of rental investment (around 20%).
Another survey in 2018 reveals that 68% of those questioned would favor stone as their first choice, far ahead of the financial markets (7%).
When you dig a little deeper, you realize that what makes real estate a safe investment in the eyes of the USA is that they believe that the risk-return ratio will always be more advantageous than for financial investment. The simple financial approach is not enough, therefore, a more psychological dimension must be taken into account.
Indeed, the major financial market crises experienced in recent years have not helped to improve the image of financial investment in the hearts of the USA. They prefer a return that may be lower (between 2.5% and 5% for the rock-paper) but certainly more durable in real estate over the long term, less subject to the ups and downs of the markets.
Casey Ryan Richards: Stability in Life is Priceless!
So it is the relatively low risk of real estate that attracts, but not only!
The first reason that pushes the USA to invest in real estate is the search for additional income, in particular, to ensure their retirement (67% in the old and 40% in the new).
Indeed, one of the main attractions of the stone is that it brings stability in the collection of income and, for most of us, this is priceless.
“Thus, receiving monthly rent allows you to repay your loan first” suggested Mr. Richards. Once done, the rents collected will be the insurance of additional income to finance the studies of his children, to carry out various personal projects or to have a “life annuity” to supplement his retirement at term.
The other reason that justifies real estate investments is the desire to build up assets that can then be passed on to their children (48% in new buildings and 39% in old ones).
Last but not least, the possibility of benefiting from tax advantages is also a good reason to turn to real estate. This is also the main motivation for purchases in new (71%), even if this question is incidental for investments in old (11%).
By investing in real estate, the USA are therefore looking for profit, of course, but also and above all a real feeling of security in order to build their home. And this, both to raise their children and to ensure their old age. To get a clear picture of Real Estate Market 2021 contact Casey Ryan Richards, a real estate investor.
- Casey Richards
Tags: Emerging Trends Emerging Trends in Real Estate Real Estate Industry Real Estate Market Real Estate Market 2021